Friday, March 7, 2008

PR Hint for March--new PR Hints blog--and flickr'ing

PR Hint of the Month - March 2008 - Pick Your Own Hint!
You now have the luxury of reviewing all the PR Hint of the Months from years past as well as choosing your own hint which suits your needs at the moment! The MLA PR & Marketing Committee is proud to present the MLA PR Hints Blog. It is available at We certainly hope you'll review these hints and provide your own thoughts.
Particularly if you have a best practice, or a learning experience, feel free to share these!
Special thanks to Suzanne Reymer for creating this blog for us and to PR & marketing committee member Heidi Sue Adams for inputting in all the past PR Hints. The blog is truly easy to use! Give it a whirl!
And speaking of past projects that are cool, we'd like to take this chance to remind you about the Montana libraries photo pool on flickr
Jim Kammerer, Information Services Manager at the Montana State Library, has been quite active in posting photos to this group and promoting it. Here's a message he sent out awhile back:
You are most welcome and invited to post your pictures at
This could be a great place to post photos of your own local library, its resources, staff, special events, etc. I imagine there ought to be other ways to use this cool tool to market our libraries and meet patrons where they are at already. I'd suggest using the same tag "Montana Libraries" so that the search results would retrieve lots of pictures from all over the state (your photos can be further distinguished by adding descriptions in the description field).
Registration for is easy and free, with lots of options for organizing photos, making them public/private, etc.
If you have any questions regarding Flickr, please let Jim know (
One more month to the MLA Conference (April 9-12, 2008). Hope to see many of you in Great Falls!
Chair, MLA PR & Marketing Committee
Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
Legislative Staff Attorney/Librarian
Montana Legislative Branch
State Capitol, Room 122
P.O. Box 201706
Helena, MT 59620-1706
Phone: (406) 444-4024
Fax: (406) 444-3036

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Nice job, Lisa and Heidi. Since you mentioned flickr'ing, I decided to add a slideshow picking up photos from Flickr with the keyword "library." One of the great things about a lot of these social software tools is that they work with each other!