Friday, April 4, 2008

PR Hint of the Week - Nov 24, 2003 - Seizing new patrons

hint \'hint\: n [prob. alter. of obs. hent act of seizing, fr. hent vb.] 1. archaic : OPPORTUNITY, TURN. 2. an indirect or summary suggestion.
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1973.

One way (maybe) to seize new patrons and build some good will is to advertise free hot drinks in your library. Choose a very cold day. Put a collapsible sign on the sidewalk out front. In big bold letters write the word "FREE." Show lots of steam coming out of the cup. First-timers might be tempted to detour, come inside and warm up. Regular patrons will feel even better about visiting their library. Find someone, perhaps a volunteer, with a winning, inviting smile, to serve the hot drink. Apple cider is probably the easiest. (Hot chocolate stains carpets. Coffee
requires creamers, sugar packets, stir sticks, etc.) The same host/hostess
could gently indicate the location of additional trash receptacles set out especially for this occasion to minimize the cleanup and potential for spills.
Good luck!

Jim Kammerer
MLA PR/Marketing Committee


Serving hot drinks is a great idea presented by Jim. I'd like to offer a twist on the idea!
I did this very same idea only the reverse this past summer. I bought an inexpensive snow cone maker ($15), flavoring, a bag of ice, and brought it to work one day and made snow cones upon request. Brought in many new faces into the library! I tried to make a point for each person (new and familiar users) to learn something new about the library -- from 'what we offer' to 'projects in the works.'

Word of mouth made this very successful on those hot days. Next time I'm going to label the snow cone holders with a library stamp.

Heidi Sue Adams, MS, AHIP
KRMC Medical Librarian

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