Friday, April 4, 2008

PR Hint of the Month - March 2006 - What's Your Story campaign


I wanted to focus this month on the fabulous "What's Your Story? Find it at the Library!" campaign put together by Sara Groves and committee last year. In recent weeks, the campaign has received statewide recognition for its power and scope, but I still think that many of us are not using the campaign's resources to the fullest in our own libraries.

If you haven't visited the "What's Your Story" website, please take a few minutes to do so. The site offers a thorough explanation of the campaign, but also provides us with ready to use tools...such as press releases; letter's to the editor; fast facts; media how-to kits; and much, much more! In many cases, all you need to do is plug in your information and send the press release or letter off to your local media!

In addition, the site offers downloads of the campaign's bookmarks, posters, logos, print ads, and web link buttons so you can personalize the campaign to fit your library's needs.
Many libraries around the state have successfully incorporated the "What's Your Story" campaign into their programing, but if you are looking for programing suggestions, the web site also offers some programing ideas.

I think a key feature of the web site is the training suggestions that are offered under the "How-To Guides." The Training pages cover everything from how to train a spokesperson for your library to how to compile a fact sheet of your own.

The best part of the "What's Your Story" campaign is that Sara Groves is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer suggestions. She is a wealth of information and always eager to discuss the "What's Your Story"
campaign and how libraries can use it to promote their own programs and events.
You can access the "What's Your Story" web site at: and Sara can be reached at

Have fun exploring!
MLA PR & Marketing Committee

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