Friday, April 4, 2008

PR Hint of the Week - March 1, 2004 - Library issues

PR Hint of the Week - March 1, 2004 - Library issues

This week's PR Hint of the Week focuses on information resources for several high-impact issues facing many libraries today: CIPA, intellectual freedom, and the economic impact of libraries in our communities. Hope you will find these resources useful!
Public libraries and the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA):
Legal Sources
Intellectual freedom legislation in the states
A study done by OCLC on how libraries stack up. Some great comparisons of libraries and their worth measured against other businesses. This is a neat snapshot of the economic impact of libraries.
On behalf of your hardworking MLA PR & Marketing Committee, Lisa
Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
JD, MSLIS Legislative Librarian


To these fine sources I'd like to suggest one more: This was developed to help guide Colorado libraries, but much is applicable to any library. One item that will soon be posted is a comparison test showing how different filters stack up, i.e. how much free filters over/underblock vs. fee-based services.
Eugene Hainer
Director, Library Development Services
Colorado State Library, CDE

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