Friday, April 4, 2008

PR Hint for Jan 2006 - Getting the Press on Your Side

With the New Year already in full swing, it is often easy to forget about publicizing our wonderful events and programs each month. So with the New Year we should all resolve to try and promote our libraries to our communities. We know that we have these amazing services and events, but does everyone else?

I found a series of articles that explores some of the tricks to promoting programs/events/classes/ and services on a budget (or with no money at all!) that I'll share with everyone over the next few months. The article is a little long but worth taking the time to read.
This month--How to get the Press on Your Side Next month--How to write Press Releases that get Printed....

Hope you enjoy!

How to Get the Press on Your Side
How to make yourself newsworthy and get free press coverage (Excerpt from Marketing Without Megabucks: How to Sell Anything on a Shoestring). by Shel Horowitz, copyright 1996.

It's easy: make yourself newsworthy.

News is anything that other people are interested in. And being newsworthy consists of letting editors and reporters know you're doing something of interest to other people-having an event; telling a story; creating or participating in any occurrence; supporting, opposing, or even merely observing a trend or activity. Editors and producers have the tremendous challenge of coming up with new stories to fill their pages and air slots-day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. It isn't always easy to fill all that space. Therefore, you become their ally. Your achievements--along with your ability to publicize them properly and work cooperatively with media people--will cause local editors to welcome you with open arms. Not only will you have a very good shot at getting your press release printed (perhaps several times in different sections of the paper), but a reporter might even arrange a more in-depth story. And that is pure gold for you!

Stanley D. Friedman, who produces public affairs programming for WWOR-TV (serving New York City and northern New Jersey), notes that-- even in one of the top markets in the country--he has to seek out people to fill up his allotted airtime. Editors and producers, therefore, will be delighted to hear from you-but only if you are articulate and can present yourself as serving the community, rather than merely trying to seek publicity and make a profit.

Here are some events or situations that often lead almost effortlessly to lots of free publicity: Organizing an event open to the public
Achieving significant recognition in your field
Release of a book or record, opening of an exhibit, etc.
Performing an important service to the community
Running for office
Writing legislation, testifying at hearings, etc. Inventing, manufacturing, or offering a new product or service
Being present at--or, better still, involved in--major news events
Joining or taking leadership in a professional or community service organization--especially one with membership standards
Offering apprenticeships, training programs, classes, or opportunities to volunteer
Teaching, lecturing, or presenting at a professional conference

But you can also get some coverage of far more mundane events. You may not get followed around by a reporter, but you might well get your releases in the paper--and reap all the benefits we discussed earlier. Here are a few examples:

Moving or opening a new branch
Educational achievements (including attending work-related seminars) or other accomplishments by members of your staff
Hosting an open house
Hiring or promotion of employees
Annual meetings
Issuance of any publication available to the public

Use your imagination.
You only risk a stamp, and may gain exposure to thousands of people. The media that promote you have something to gain as well; they need an endless supply of fresh material. But don't expect the media to drop everything and report on you, just so you can get some free publicity. Remember their goals of reporting news and serving the community; you must blend with that agenda. Many editors shy away from blatantly promotional pieces.

Make Life Easier for Your Editorial Allies
Another aspect of thinking like an editor is presenting yourself as the kind of person editors want to deal with. In any oral or written communication with a media outlet, you should be friendly and approachable, articulate and concise. Be willing to answer reporters' questions, even if you have to research the answers and get back to them. (Don't be afraid to say you don't know but can find out, and never give an answer you're not sure is accurate.) If you're running an event or a tourist attraction, let the press in for free to cover it. Finally, know the deadlines and publication schedules of the media you deal with, and understand their importance.
Feature departments, including community calendars or letters to the editor, may have a deadline that applies to you, rather than the reporter. In my area, the newsweekly and the most popular commercial radio station both want calendar notices two to three weeks ahead! Again, respect the deadline and be on time.

The Event: A Cornucopia of Publicity Opportunities
The easiest way to turn the press into your publicity bureau is by having an event. An event gives the press a handle; they understand how to treat events as news, and as promotable calendar items. Having any kind of event makes you automatically newsworthy. So a good trick for you as the publicist is to phrase your activity as an event. Yes, the same techniques apply to other promotable activities, but so many more doors are opened by linking your publicity agenda to some kind of event that I'd encourage you to do them whenever possible.

Get the Media to Invest in You
For community service or entertainment events, enlist newspapers and broadcast stations as cosponsors. Typically, media co-sponsorship means you do the work and spend whatever money is necessary; the station or publication gives you oodles of free publicity, reports on it, and/or broadcasts portions of the event. Electronic media are required to provide public service programming as a condition of their license, and publications have a vested interest in maintaining their credibility as the eyes and ears of the community. Because co-sponsorship demonstrates the media outlet's community interest and also lets the public hobnob with media personalities, a suggestion for co-sponsorship will often be greeted enthusiastically.

Patricia C. Spencer
Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator
Lewis and Clark Library

PR Hint of Feb 2006 - Writing Press Releases

Continuing on our theme of getting our library events noticed & covered by the media, I focused on press releases this month. Hope the information is helpful! Patricia

Writing Press Releases that Get Noticed & Read!

The media is flooded with press releases each day and there is not enough space to print all of the press releases an editor receives, therefore editors must pick and chose which ones get printed and which ones don't.

In my experience, editors don't want press releases that are selling something, that's marketing not news; rather, editors are looking for intriguing human interest stories, fun and family oriented events, community action or involvement, and employee or patron recognition. This means that as libraries we have a plethora of events and programs occurring weekly that fit those criteria*so share it with your community and use your local media to do so!

When writing a press release always remember the golden rule of writing for the media: K.I.S.S. (Keep It Super Simple) The average newspaper reader only reads the first few lines of an article, so make sure all of your relevant information is in the opening paragraph. That opening paragraph also needs to capture the reader's attention; keep them interested and not only will they finish reading your press release, but they'll more than likely attend your event or program.

In addition, all newspapers run on space limitations, as do radio and television, so editors will edit your press release, which often means that they will chop off the last half of your press release, so don't wait until the end to put your important information, do it first!

While it is not an exact science, if you follow these few, simple rules, your press release will have a better shot at getting printed. The following helpful information is from OfficeSolutions, Sept 2001 v18 i8 p50 WritingPress Releases the Media Will Use. Jim Rapp. Good luck and happy writing!
What exactly do editors want?
To write a news or press release effectively, you should learn what editors want as well as the formula for writing good releases. Obviously, a news release must contain news. It must also be written to interest editors and their readers, listeners, and/or viewers. Two things to keep in mind when writing a news release are brevity and the five Ws: who, what, why, where, and when.

Not long ago, editors insisted the five Ws be in the first paragraph of every news story. But today's writing style stresses shorter sentences and more paragraphs. So editors are satisfied--if not overjoyed--to find the five Ws in the first two or three paragraphs.
The formula is simple since it's the way most of us tell a story or anecdote.
The lead might go something like this:
ABC Packing Co., Pleasant City, Iowa, (who) has introduced a new line of frozen vegetables (what) under the "Healthy Favorites" label.
According to ABC marketing director Helen MacDonald, the new line contains no salt, preservatives, or additives (why). Healthy Favorites will be introduced at the National Grocers Convention in Chicago (where) in August and will be available for shipment in September (when).
If you have all the facts, your stories will practically write themselves. The lead provides all the important details. The rest of the release can be written in paragraphs of descending importance. This allows editors to trim from the bottom up, retaining paragraphs with the most important details.
After writing the first draft, review the story and delete every word that's not a fact or that doesn't contribute meaningfully to the story. Now your news release will read like a news release, not like advertising copy.
When you write a feature story, lead with an attention getting phrase or paragraph, instead of the five Ws. After the lead, develop the five Ws in the same manner as a news story.
Watch those adjectives
It's generally advisable to limit the use of adjectives in news releases.
Editors break pencils and spill coffee when they find releases filled with words such as beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, and stunning.
Sometimes, however, these adjectives will improve a news story. By using quotes, you can incorporate them into a release without incurring the editor's wrath. Instead of saying "The new Healthy Favorites line is not only healthy, but delicious," say something like: "MacDonald reports that in blind taste tests, the Healthy Favorites line received high marks for taste." This way, it's you or your company saying it, not the publication.
Keep it simple and accurate (K.I.S.S)
It's a mistake to use fancy words to communicate a simple idea. A news release or feature story is not the place to showcase your vocabulary. Don't write edifice when you mean building. Avoid language that's used only in your particular business, because some readers won't understand it.
Inaccuracy is one of the most frequent reasons releases aren't used.
Misspelled words, missing facts, half-stated facts, poor structure, poor grammar, and too many details can result in a release landing in the wastebasket. You'll also be wise to avoid all unproved claims as well as superlatives such as oldest, largest, best, and most.
Editors are human. When they receive properly prepared press releases they're more likely to use them. Follow the rules listed below and your news releases will have the professionalism editors want.
* Type your stories double-spaced on one side of 8 1/2 x 11-inch white paper.
* Start the story nearly halfway down the page, leaving plenty of room for a headline.
* Leave a 1-inch margin on both sides of the page.
* In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, type your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address so the editor will know where to reach you for more information.
* If your story is longer than one page, type (more) at the bottom of the page to indicate the material carries to the next page. At the top of the second page, in the upper left-hand corner, type a few words indicating the story content and page number, such as "ABC introduces new Healthy Favorites line--page 2."
* Date all releases at the top of the first page.
* Indicate release timing on the top of the first page.
* A headline is optional. If you use one, make it tell the story in a half-dozen well-chosen words.
* For releases to radio and television stations, reduce the copy and keep sentences short. Avoid words that are difficult to read aloud.
* If the release is an exclusive to a particular publication, indicate that at the top of the release as follows: "Exclusive to the Chicago Tribune."
* To avoid confusion, spell out all words. Don't abbreviate.
* Never type your business name, trade name, or any other name in all capital letters.
* Spell out numbers from one to nine and use numerals from the number 10 on.
* Don't capitalize the first letters of titles.
* Study the style of the publication and adopt that style for your release.
* Get the story out quickly. Editors won't use stale news.
* E-mail the release directly to the person who will be using it, not to "editor." Fax a copy to the same person the same day, indicating that you've also sent an e-mail. Editors prefer releases sent via e-mail; they save editors' time because they don't have to reenter the material. Get to know editors and other media people. You may want to visit them when you have a really hot news item. You'll get more attention if they know you personally.

Patricia C. Spencer
Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator
Lewis and Clark Library

PR Hint of the Month - March 2006 - What's Your Story campaign


I wanted to focus this month on the fabulous "What's Your Story? Find it at the Library!" campaign put together by Sara Groves and committee last year. In recent weeks, the campaign has received statewide recognition for its power and scope, but I still think that many of us are not using the campaign's resources to the fullest in our own libraries.

If you haven't visited the "What's Your Story" website, please take a few minutes to do so. The site offers a thorough explanation of the campaign, but also provides us with ready to use tools...such as press releases; letter's to the editor; fast facts; media how-to kits; and much, much more! In many cases, all you need to do is plug in your information and send the press release or letter off to your local media!

In addition, the site offers downloads of the campaign's bookmarks, posters, logos, print ads, and web link buttons so you can personalize the campaign to fit your library's needs.
Many libraries around the state have successfully incorporated the "What's Your Story" campaign into their programing, but if you are looking for programing suggestions, the web site also offers some programing ideas.

I think a key feature of the web site is the training suggestions that are offered under the "How-To Guides." The Training pages cover everything from how to train a spokesperson for your library to how to compile a fact sheet of your own.

The best part of the "What's Your Story" campaign is that Sara Groves is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer suggestions. She is a wealth of information and always eager to discuss the "What's Your Story"
campaign and how libraries can use it to promote their own programs and events.
You can access the "What's Your Story" web site at: and Sara can be reached at

Have fun exploring!
MLA PR & Marketing Committee

PR Hint of the Month - June 2006 - ideas for free library promotion

Now that MLA is over and we are all gearing up for the summer time, I thought I'd focus this month's PR hint on how we can promote our libraries for free during the summer months.

Hope you find some helpful information!
MLA PR & Marketing Committee

It is summer time and that means tourists, kids looking for something to do, and lounging by the pool with a good book! It also means we are presented with new opportunities and formats to promote our fabulous libraries and summer events and programs*.for little or no money!

Tip #1: Just because you've tried it in the past and it didn't work, doesn't mean you shouldn't try again.
So you sent your local paper a press release about a fabulous program and they didn't run it*that doesn't mean that they won't run future articles about events at your library. Often times, it simply means that they had a lot of news items to choose from and your press release was overlooked due to lack of space.
Send out a press release for every event, some will make it in and some won't so don't take it personally. But remember the golden rule of effective press release writing, K.I.S.S: Keep it Super Simple (or my new favorite, Keep it Short and Simple!) Long press releases don't get read, not even by those who like to read. We glance through the article to discern if the event is of interest to us and if so when and where it will be and how much; so save the prose for other items. And remember, press releases are printed for free!

Tip #2: Tap into local community calendars and events pages.
Don't just stop with sending press releases to your local paper and broadcast media, send information to your Chamber of Commerce to publicize on their website and tap into local organizations who produce "Things to do this summer in your town" publications and postings.
Often times these organizations will include your programming and event information at no charge, you just need to simply ask.
Avoid one of the main pitfalls of public relations: never, never assume that the Chamber or other community organizations know what events you have on tap for the summer. You need to actually make contact with people and tell them about your fabulous summer line up. This means following up the submission of press releases with a phone call.

Tip #3: If there is a big annual local event coming to town, offer to let the local broadcast media set up in front of your library.
Offering to a let the local broadcast media run a live remote from outside your library is a fantastic way to get thousands of dollars of free publicity*even if you don't listen to the radio station yourself!
Each time the DJ goes live they will begin with "This is Bob broadcasting live from the El Paso Public Library for the 10th annual running of the turtles."
The Lewis & Clark Library in Helena recently did this for the annual Governor's Cup Race. Local radio station KMTX was looking for some place to plug in their equipment and the Lewis & Clark Library offered to let them use some space in front of their building and electrical outlets for the station's 3 hour live coverage of the Governor's Cup Race. The library was mentioned each time the announcer began a broadcast, earning the library more free publicity than they could afford to buy.

Tip #4: Use your website to your advantage.
If your library has a website, make sure you are keeping it updated with programming and event information. Tourists, as well as locals, will access information from your website when deciding on their summer plans.
Make sure that information is prominently displayed in an area that is easy to access on the web page, if the information is hard to find chances are it won't be found. Also, make sure information is accurate and consistent with press releases and other postings so that visitors and patrons aren't confused.

Tip #5: Leave your Library! Take your information to community events.
Set up an informational table at local community events. It is a great way to get out of the library for a few hours and connect with faithful library users as well as those who haven't been in the library for years. Keep it simple; take bookmarks or flyers with up-coming programming information printed on them, library card information, hours information, and any other items you have that you can give to people*such as stickers or magnets.
Use this as an outreach opportunity to get people into the library for an up-coming event or to simply check their email*.chances are, they'll be back and will spread the word about what a fabulous library you have to their friends and relatives who might not be regular library users.

Tip #6: Be Consistent
Consistency is important in publicizing events and programs. If your event or program has a theme, use it throughout all of your marketing materials.
People identify logos with events and companies, so place your logo on everything from flyers and bookmarks to press releases and print ads.
Your goal is to create brand identification.
Provide the media with one consistent contact. In other words, the same person should represent the library to the media. This way if questions arise the media knows who to contact and you can begin to build a relationship with your local media representatives. This is helpful for a few reasons. One, if they know you, they are less likely to say no.
Secondly, on "slow" news days, they will often contact you to showcase something going on at the library which is more free publicity for your library!

Patricia C. Spencer
Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator
Lewis and Clark Library

PR Hint of the Week - Nov 7, 2002 - new Montana Legal website (MontanaLawHelp)

Hello Montana librarians,

It's still a work in progress, but I think it's going to be great!

MontanaLawHelp [] is a new statewide Website that provides four kinds of law-related information to the public: (1) legal information to help Montanans help themselves with legal related issues; (2) information about legal service organizations that provide legal services to Montanans; (3) information about the courts in Montana; and (4) information about social service organizations and agencies that can help Montanans find shelter, food, health care, public benefits, and other necessary resources.

On MontanaLawHelp you'll find county-by-county lists of legal-aid providers, government agencies, and legal-advocacy groups. The site also provides legal information in various areas of the law that might help pro se litigants.

For example, from the front page of MontanaLawHelp, you have access to a number of different subject categories such as "General Legal Information," Family and Juvenile," Housing," "Consumer," etc. I clicked on the Family and Juvenile category and it turns out to be a wealth of information for Montana citizens. You can get forms for child support, summary dissolution of marriage forms, information about divorce in Montana, etc.

Similarly, the "Housing" category leads to such gems as "What are your rights if your landlord threatens to evict you," to "What to do when your landlord won't fix what he's supposed to fix."

Other topics covered on MontanaLawHelp that could prove to be useful in libraries serving the public are information on wills and probate in Montana and ideas for what to do if you're involved in an auto accident.

MontanaLawHelp is a project of Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA), which received technology grant monies from the national Legal Services Corporation for this project. MLSA works in cooperation with the State Bar of Montana and the Montana Supreme Court Equal Justice Task Force on identifying, creating and organizing content for the Website. These groups hope to teach public librarians across the state how to unite the site with walk-in customers who have legal needs. This is where you all, as Montana librarians, come in. Please take a few moments to look at the site and become familiar with its contents. The site Webmaster, Paul Shae, would really like your comments regarding the site. What you liked, what you didn't, other ideas for content, etc. Please contact him at with your comments. (I myself have made the suggestions that there should be a direct link to the Montana Code online from the site so people can look up actual Montana laws if they want to. I also suggested that they should get more forms on the site, which they have already planned to do).

Hope you find this new legal site to be useful!

On behalf of your friendly MLA PR & Marketing Committee, Lisa
(1/2 librarian, 1/2 lawyer)
Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
Legislative Librarian

PR Hint of the Week - April 2003 - Library Week ideas

"I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved."
Author Barbara Kingsolver

As the above quote demonstrates, people appreciate librarians and libraries.
So, let's celebrate! National Library Week is next week (April 6-12). Are YOU ready?
If not, here are some ideas for celebrating National Library Week.

CONTESTS: (You'll need to have some prizes)
- Disc toss--a good way to use old CD-roms
- Guess how many bookworms are in the librarian's head (get a clear plastic head, dress it up a bit, and stuff it with gummy worms)
- Photo contest--match the employee with the baby picture
- Stump the Librarian Day
- "Putting for Prizes"--set up a putting green for 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon. Putters earn a handicap (move closer to the cup) by answering trivia questions correctly. Successful putts get name entered for drawing.
- "Why My Library Books are Overdue" excuse contest--best excuse wins a prize!

- Bagels for breakfast
- Candy or baked goods Monday through Thursday--ice cream social on Friday

- "Patron of the Day." Pick a person at random to be Patron of the Day.
Take his or her picture (with a Polaroid camera) and give him or her a gift of some sort.
- Book sale/swap. Set out a table for people to bring in used books that others might take home or purchase
- Movie over the lunch hour
- Create a personalized word search puzzle using your library terms or names. You can also make your puzzle contain two hidden messages--such a "Happy Library Week" or "The Legislative Library Rocks!" For help creating your puzzle go to

Also, programming ideas to highlight the role of librarians, as well as libraries, are available on the @ your library Website at The page also features publicity materials, including a proclamation, display ideas, PSAs, and a sample press release which libraries can customize. The MLA PR & Marketing Committee urges you to send the National Library Week press release and/or the editorial to your local paper. The majority of the work is already done for you! There's also great stuff about CIPA and the Patriot Act in the Save America's Libraries Tool Kit which can be accessed at

Plan to have something different going on every day during National Library Week, April 6-12.

Make sure to make use of various print and electronic means available in your library to publicize your events

Hope you all have some fun events planned for next week (I know I do!).

Happy National Library Week on behalf of your jolly MLA PR & Marketing Committee!
Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
JD, MSLIS Legislative Librarian

PR Hint of the Week - June 2003 - More on Marketing

Hello all,

Since this hint fits in nicely with Jim's marketing hint sent earlier today, I will send this out today. My apologies for not getting it out last week as it should have been.

Marketing here, marketing there, marketing everywhere.

You may have the best library in the world, but it's not going to mean anything unless people know about you. Marketing of library services is essential--in any type of library. Accordingly, here are a few tips on marketing that I hope prove valuable to all Montana libraries.

Go to library users:
An audience must be reached wherever they may be. Flyers and display racks are great, for those people who actually come into the library. If the graphics in your library's flyers are good, post a PDF version on your Website; make sure to link it from the homepage with a catchy headline. Beyond using the library Website to market the library and its programs, find out where users spend time and make the library's presence known. Don't expect users to take the initiative to find the library. Placemats in a cafeteria helped advertise the newest programs at Bennett D. Katz Library at the University of Maine at Augusta. A "welcome wagon" type program targeted new faculty at the Texas Tech University Law Library.

Look at pop culture for inspiration:
At last May's "Boot Camp for Teachers of Electronic Research" in Atlanta, participants mentioned that they adopted the TV show "Survivor" for their classes. They reported that their audiences were attracted to the programs by the catchy titles and were engaged by the teaching formats adopted from the show. Last November, Montana Legislative Services hosted an orientation program for legislators entitled "Who Wants To Be Ethical," based on the game show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." Judging from the evaluation forms, this program was a big hit.

Use audiovisual tools for added impact:
If you have the capabilities, use a digital video on your Website or produce an "infomercial" to be broadcast on your local TV or radio stations.

Use nontraditional handouts and flyers:
For example, make a business card magnet for the library. Adhesive-backed magnets can be bought in bulk for reasonable prices--e.g. 50 adhesive-backed business card magnets can be purchased for $9.95 plus shipping at Or, if your library has a brown bag lunch series, how about this? The U.S. Court of Appeals 8th Circuit Library markets its brown bag lunch series with brown bags around the building with event details posted on them. The brown bags are an unmistakable sign that a speaker will be appearing. Some users have even suggested potential topics and speakers for the series.

Take a cue from retailers:
To remind users about library rules in an interesting "non-scolding" way, why not initiate a scandal sheet like the National Enquirer, using big headlines and bold colors? I can see the headline: "Spontaneous Combustion or Aliens Among Us?--Books Vanish From Library Shelves."

Get ideas from other libraries or associations:
For a sample @ your library brochure, which you can customize to fit your library, go to MLA's Website at
The American Library Association's Public Information Office ( coordinates the association's public relations and marketing efforts, including National Library Week. In addition, the office administers PR Talk, a listserv for discussion of public relations ideas and issues. To join, go to

So Montana librarians, go forth and market!

On behalf of your friendly MLA PR and Marketing Committee,

PR Hint of the Week - Nov 4, 2003 - Constitutions of the World

We're baaaaacccckkkk!

Yes, after a summer hiatus that extended into the fall (how quickly time slips away) the MLA PR & Marketing Committee is once again ready to bring to you the exciting, the spine tingling, the mind boggling... PR HINT OF THE WEEK!

Have you ever been asked to find the Constitution for... Canada? Norway? How about Japan? This week's PR Hint focuses on world Constitutions and the sites where you can find them.

Check out these links. Each searches a little differently, but all are easy to use and get you right where you want to be in a few quick steps. Most helpful. It promotes great public relations for our libraries to be able to help our patrons find not only United States information quickly, but that of other countries as well.

If you ever have any ideas for topics for these PR Hints of the Week, feel free to let a member of the MLA PR & Marketing Committee know. In fact, if you have ANY sort of idea or thought related to marketing of our libraries, we'd love to hear from you. Members of the committee are myself, Linette Ivanovitch, Chandler Jackson, Jim Kammerer, Jude Smith, Jennie Stapp, and Jan Zauha.

Thanks and Happy Constitutioning!

PR Hint of the Week - Jan 13, 2004 - Elvis, Librarians, Community Needs, and the Wayback Machine

What do Elvis, READ posters, the role of librarians in the Information Age, assessing community needs, and the Wayback Machine have in common? Well, normally nothing. But today, in one special moment, they are coming together to form this week's PR Hint of the Week from your friendly MLA PR & Marketing Committee.

Elvis: Did you know last week (Jan. 8) was Elvis' birthday? He was born in 1935, which would have made him 69 this year. Long may his memory live (is it time for Bruce N. to reprise his role of The King, do you think?).

READ posters: In response to ongoing demand for do-it-yourself (very cool) READ poster options in schools and libraries, ALA Graphics is producing the READ CD to provide licensing and high-quality design templates for libraries and media centers. The CD is a license for the individual library purchaser to create unlimited, not-for-profit, not-for-sale, READ posters and bookmarks when using the graphics from the CD. Posters and bookmarks can feature students, faculty, staff, volunteers, patrons, funders, and local celebrities. The CD is available from the ALA Spring 2004 Graphics catalog at for $89.10 and one must have Photoshop to use it. This is a great idea!

The role of librarians in the Information Age: A new series of downloadable print public service announcements (PSAs) that promote pay equity, recruitment, and the role of librarians in the Information Age are now available on the @your library Website at (navigate through Issues & Advocacy, @your library, @your library Website, PR Tools & Resources). They are intended to help librarians promote key issues at the state and local level. The PSAs follow one previously made by the library community that supports library funding efforts entitled, "The future is @ your library, so make sure your library has a future."

Assessing community needs: The Southern Ontario Library Service produces "The Library's Contribution to Your Community: A Resource Manual for Libraries to Document their Social and Economic Contribution to the Local Community." While the $200 price tag may be a bit hefty for many (yes, Lisa), there are eight library case studies at that provide valuable information on assessing the library's contribution to the community.

The Wayback Machine provides access to an archive of more than 30 billion Webpages dating back to 1996. To access the archive, all you need to do is enter the URL you're looking for and select Take Me Back. Assuming that the page you're looking for has been archived, you'll see a list of dates on which the page was archived. Click on a date and see what the page looked like then. You can track the development of a Website's design or use it to find newspaper articles whose URLs are no longer available on the newspaper's Website.

Hope you're having a great 2004!

On behalf of your friendly MLA PR & Marketing Committee,

PR Hint of the Week - March 1, 2004 - Websites for CIPA, IF, Economic impacts

This week's PR Hint of the Week focuses on information resources for several high-impact issues facing many libraries today: CIPA, intellectual freedom, and the economic impact of libraries in our communities. Hope you will find these resources useful!

Public libraries and the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA): Legal Sources

Intellectual freedom legislation in the states

A study done by OCLC on how libraries stack up. Some great comparisons of libraries and their worth measured against other businesses. This is a neat snapshot of the economic impact of libraries.

On behalf of your hardworking MLA PR & Marketing Committee, Lisa

PR Hint of the Week - March 17, 2004 - Getting Covered in the News

TV Reporter Shares the Secrets to Getting Covered in the News
By Jeff Crilley, Author, Free Publicity

Do you have a great idea for a story, but no clue how to get it in the news?
Are you tired of pitching press releases the news media simply ignores?
After twenty years of beating the street as a TV reporter, I have a scoop for you: the media needs good stories. But most stories are pitched so poorly, they are lost in the blizzard of faxes that blanket every newsroom.

So, here are some insider secrets to getting covered on the news that even some PR pros don't know:

The old adage about "Man bites dog" still holds true. The news doesn't cover what's normal. We cover the abnormal. PR whiz Carolyn Alvey knew this when she was trying to raise money for a charity several years ago. Instead of holding a garage sale, she sent out a press release announcing a "Celebrity Garage Sale." Everything from Bob Hope's old golf clubs to Roger Staubach's long-neglected neckties were for sale. By making an ordinary garage sale extraordinary, the media was instantly sold on the story.

Sometimes it's just a matter of asking yourself, "What will the media be buying?" Harry Potter is a great example. For the last few J.K. Rowling releases, I've found myself reporting live from local bookstores interviewing children dressed in costume about how they can't wait until the stroke of midnight so they can get their hands on the next installment. Hold a Harry Potter party, complete with a costume contest on the weekend of the next release and you'll have a parking lot full of news trucks.

Perhaps the most common mistake even some PR pros make is trying to sell a good story to the wrong person. Most reporters have a specialty, like "crime" or "business." So, seek out the reporter who will have the most to benefit from your story. Start studying the news. Before you call a TV station or try and pitch the paper, become familiar with a reporter's work. Most of your stories will probably be feature stories. You'll want to pitch it to the reporter who enjoys warm, fuzzy pieces.

If I were going to send a press release to a reporter, I'd write the kind of headline that a newspaper would run. And I'd make the rest of the release so conversational that a TV anchor could read it right on the air. Why is this so important? A major market newsroom gets hundreds of press releases every day. Often the decision on whether to cover your story is made in a matter of seconds. Many times that well-crafted sentence in the third paragraph of your press release is never read.

The holidays are the slowest "news times" of the year. When government offices are closed, so are most of our sources. Take advantage of it. In fact, take out your calendar and begin circling government holidays and the days surrounding government holidays. If the government is coasting into a long holiday weekend, so is the rest of the country. That's when we reporters are scrambling to find something to cover. Pitch even an average story on a day when the media is starving for news, and you're much more likely to get coverage.

When you call a journalist on the phone, the best opening line there is goes like this: "Can I tell you how much I love your work?" All reporters have egos. We like to believe you faithfully watch our reports or clip our articles from the paper and hang them on your refrigerator. When you call us and give us sincere and specific complements, we think we have a fan on the phone. Our guard is down. We don't know we're about to be pitched. But more importantly, you are communicating something very important to the journalist. You're saying, "I know who you are, what you do, and why you're the best person for this story." You'd be surprised at how many people will call a TV reporter and ask, "Now, are you the person who is on camera or are you behind the scenes?" That's a very bad pitch.

After the story airs or is printed in the paper, send a thank you note for the coverage. That simple gesture goes a long way. But it amazes me how few people take the time to do it. I'd say only one out of every hundred people I put on the news ever bothers to call or write and thank me. And it shouldn't stop there. Take an interest in the reporters and the stories they cover. Later you might want to drop them a note for no reason other than to complement them on a good report. Tell them you're always keeping your eye out for other good stories to give them. It keeps your name in front of them and continues to build good will.

There you go. Now you're armed with knowledge that even some well-paid public relations professions don't practice. If your idea is unique, visual, and pitched to the right person when the supply of news is running thin, you're in!

Jeff Crilley is an Emmy Award Winning Reporter and author of Free Publicity-A TV Reporter Shares the Secrets for Getting Covered on the News (ISBN 0-9726474-0-6)

Happy reporting from your friendly MLA PR & Marketing Committee!

PR Hint of the Month - Dec 2005 - Marketing Smart

So, here's your first PR Hint of the Month...the following is from an article relating to creative artists--but I thought it quite applicable to librarians as well. (Just insert the word "library" in where the article says "company" and viola!--worthy tips for all of us). We must all continually "market" our library products and services.

The Art of Business: Marketing Smart
Nine top ways to make your marketing fast and effective.

The current economy is characterized by customer infidelity, where every creative firm continually faces the prospect of losing the majority of its clients. As a result, creative professionals are finding themselves in the unenviable position of having to continually market. That can be a drag, but it doesn't have to be when it's well integrated into your daily work routine and effectively managed. Here are nine ways to market smarter.

1. Create specific goals and objectives. Even if you're a one-person shop, it's a good exercise to set actual targets for sales leads, prospects, and revenue-producing projects. Instead of saying simply "I need more work," set a figure and strive to achieve it. Naturally, your goals should be in line with your output potential. But the bottom line is that you can't measure success without first defining it.

2. Learn to love relationships. Marketing is often thought of as a one-to-many activity, but in this day and age, and particularly in our industry, marketing is more about creating and maintaining relationships with, not only clients, but vendors, colleagues, and competitors. These folks are your best source for your next client. Take the time to develop and maintain relationships.

3. Promote your unique selling proposition. The creative profession used to be primarily local, but not anymore. It used to be primarily design-based, not anymore. Now it's global and technology-based. With tens of thousands of competitors in the U.S. alone, it's important that you clearly highlight and market those services and talents that truly make you different and valuable. Perhaps it's good customer service, fast turnaround, database expertise, application development --name it, and then lead with it, because differentiation is the name of the game.

4. Keep the fires burning. Once you identify your best clients, retain them by continually reestablishing your relevancy. Do so by making your company the number-one source of ideas and information about the clients' industries and interests. Reward your good clients by knowing what they value most and validating those values. For creative professionals, the most valued client commodity often is time and expertise. Extend yourself beyond the norm for your best clients, and in doing so, you'll let them know that the relationship is important to you.

5. Love the limelight. Here's one of the great marketing truisms of all time:
Media begets media. Every effort you make to get a little publicity will very likely pay back in spades with more publicity. Get involved with local community projects and industry associations. Make your voice heard by becoming involved in your city, region, or industry. It bears repeating: Media begets media.

6. Stay targeted. Broad marketing is wasteful and ineffective. Don't waste time with a wide net. Identify and prioritize target prospects that are a match for your competitive advantage.

7. It's 2005 -- do you know where your Web site is? Is it stuck in 1999? Make sure it looks fresh and answers the pertinent questions most business prospects need to know when researching your services, including easy-to-find contact information. Also make sure your site matches the look of your collateral materials and overall visual branding.

8. Tell your story, always. You are your company's spokesperson, brand manager, and mascot. Always be willing to speak about yourself and your services, even if you don't think you're speaking with a prospect. It's amazing how many leads can come out of casual conversations.

9. Learn how to close. Marketing is courtship, closing is the marriage. You've got to know when to pop the question and close the deal. The best way is to get the prospect to agree to a series of little "yeses" instead of one big one: "Do you think your collateral material can be improved?" "Would you care to hear some ideas?" "Can we set up a meeting?" "Would a formal presentation by end of next week work for you?" "Would you like to get started soon?" Try it, it works.

Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
J.D., M.L.I.S. Legislative Librarian

PR Hints Going From Weekly to Monthly & Library Quotes

Hi Montana librarians,

"Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own container."

"And the smell of the library was always the same - the musty odour of old clothes mixed with the keener scent of unwashed bodies, creating what the chief librarian had once described as 'the steam of the social soup.'"
(Chatterton, chapter 5).

Like those? There are many more great library quotes like these at

So, due to public demand (OK, a few people said they liked it), the MLA PR & Marketing Committee will once again be sending out PR Hints on Wired.

However, they are not going to be appearing as frequently as they once did.
Prepare yourself for the "PR Hint of the MONTH," rather than the "PR Hint of the Week" so as not to have everyone on the marketing committee revolt and quit. :) I hope you find these monthly tips helpful to you and your library.

If you have ideas for topics for these Hints, please do not hesitate to send your input my way.
Thank you very much!

Chair, MLA PR & Marketing

PR Hint November 2006 - Value & Meaning to Info Experience (Broken links)

Something to think about...

The user is not broken. Your system is broken until proven otherwise...

The most significant help you can provide your users is to add value and meaning to the information experience, wherever it happens; defend their right to read; and then get out of the way... Information flows down the path of least resistance. If you block a tool the users want, users will go elsewhere to find it. You cannot change the user, but you can transform the user experience to meet the user. Meet people where they are--not where you want them to be.
Karen G. Schneider. "The User Is Not Broken." Free Range Librarian, June 3, 2006

Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
MLA PR & Marketing Committee Chair

PR Hint - Sept 2006 - Solving Pressing Community Challenges

Greetings to Montana librarians from your friendly MLA PR & Marketing Committee!

Want to assist us in writing PR Hints for Wired, help Montana libraries think of ways to market their services and produce documents to do that, put together a program, table, and poster session at the MLA Conference, help with the Montana librarians' calendar, and oh so much more?! Then join the MLA PR & Marketing Committee. We currently have several committee openings for enthusiastic and energetic librarians who want to help us get the word out about the great things librarians and libraries are doing in Montana. If you have a passion for what we do, you're the perfect person for this committee.

Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to join the MLA PR & Marketing Committee--or if you'd like more information. And hey, congratulations to committee member Patricia Spencer of the Lewis & Clark Public Library, who recently delivered a bouncing baby girl named Jordyn!
Thanks--hope to hear from you!
MLA PR & Marketing Committee Chair

PR HINT--Libraries can Play a Key Role in Solving Pressing Community Challenges

What do your users think of your library? What does the public think of libraries generally? An Americans for Libraries Council sponsored a study to learn what Americans think of libraries in the age of the Internet. It was conducted by Public Agenda and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It shows that libraries are poised to lead the way to solutions to today's pressing community problems, including providing a safe and engaging place for teens; building a strong and literate workforce; and extending access to technology. It also finds that taking on such challenges is the best bet for libraries to strengthen their communities and their own funding futures. The final report, "Long Overdue: A Fresh Look at Public and Leadership Attitudes About Libraries in the 21st Century," has been published and can be downloaded, along with commentary, at A glimpse into the results shows that libraries top the list of public services receiving an "A"
grade, ahead even of police and schools; more than half the public (52
percent) would rather raise taxes than cut library services or charge fees for them and nine in ten Americans believe that libraries will be
needed in the future, regardless of technological developments. But
along with the good news comes a wake-up call to the library community:
-Engaged citizens who vote in local elections and care deeply about libraries are no more likely than others to support libraries financially, or to advocate for their well-being - they simply don't know that library funding may be in jeopardy; -Elected officials recognize that communities trust libraries, but they do not fully employ (or fund) libraries to solve pressing community problems - problems that libraries are uniquely positioned to help resolve.
Now, what can YOU do with this report in your local Montana libraries?
See for some great ways you can help spread the word at the local level that libraries can play a key role in solving pressing community challenges.

BONUS FEATURE: Interesting article--Librarians at the Gates (Commentary on Librarians' Preserving Public Access to Information by Joseph

Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
J.D., M.L.I.S. Legislative Librarian

PR Hint of the Week - Nov 24, 2003 - Seizing new patrons

hint \'hint\: n [prob. alter. of obs. hent act of seizing, fr. hent vb.] 1. archaic : OPPORTUNITY, TURN. 2. an indirect or summary suggestion.
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1973.

One way (maybe) to seize new patrons and build some good will is to advertise free hot drinks in your library. Choose a very cold day. Put a collapsible sign on the sidewalk out front. In big bold letters write the word "FREE." Show lots of steam coming out of the cup. First-timers might be tempted to detour, come inside and warm up. Regular patrons will feel even better about visiting their library. Find someone, perhaps a volunteer, with a winning, inviting smile, to serve the hot drink. Apple cider is probably the easiest. (Hot chocolate stains carpets. Coffee
requires creamers, sugar packets, stir sticks, etc.) The same host/hostess
could gently indicate the location of additional trash receptacles set out especially for this occasion to minimize the cleanup and potential for spills.
Good luck!

Jim Kammerer
MLA PR/Marketing Committee


Serving hot drinks is a great idea presented by Jim. I'd like to offer a twist on the idea!
I did this very same idea only the reverse this past summer. I bought an inexpensive snow cone maker ($15), flavoring, a bag of ice, and brought it to work one day and made snow cones upon request. Brought in many new faces into the library! I tried to make a point for each person (new and familiar users) to learn something new about the library -- from 'what we offer' to 'projects in the works.'

Word of mouth made this very successful on those hot days. Next time I'm going to label the snow cone holders with a library stamp.

Heidi Sue Adams, MS, AHIP
KRMC Medical Librarian

PR Hint for November 2007 - Posters

Tired of the same old posters for the holidays? Feel like you’re doing the same Library Promotion material over and over? Get out of your rut, and make your own posters using the American Library Association Graphics Read CD’s in your Library! The four disc set contains tons of poster and bookmark backgrounds and design pieces to make the most amazing and original READ posters for your library and events.

The Miles City Public Library featured their Fire Prevention Week posters in the October edition of FOCUS. For this special event, the Library staff grabbed some digital cameras and a stack of fire books and headed out to the Fire Hall for a photo op with the local firemen. Three very enthusiastic volunteers posed, changed uniforms, found an excitable Dalmatian puppy, climbed all over vehicles, and allowed us full reign of the Fire Hall for a morning. About 80 pictures later, we returned to the Library, and within an hour, had our first poster. Eventually, we decided on three 11 x 17 posters and a bookmark. During Fire Prevention Week, the local firemen passed out our Library READ posters and bookmarks in every school and classroom they visited. The posters also graced City Hall, the Fire Hall, and our Library (of course!).

After such a huge PR success, our staff has more ideas currently in the pipeline:

· Pictures of local teachers, in costume, on Halloween!
· Dentists at work in February for National Children’s Dental Health month
· Our local Policemen in the community
· Our Mayor and City Officials
· Doctors, Nurses, and EMT’s
· Library Staff and Board members in the Community (there’s a very embarrassing one of your’s truly my co-workers have threatened to circulate)
· For Christmas we’ll have Santa Reading @ the Miles City Public Library

This is just the beginning of our READ poster ideas—with many more city officials and local heroes to feature in the future. The community support and praise for our efforts is wonderful. The READ posters highlight local celebrities and talent; strong role-models our community can really look up to. To see our Firemen READ posters visit our Library’s website: The Dalmatian one is still my favorite!

If you have the READ CD’s, but are having problems following the included tutorial, I put together a step-by-step 4 page packet that walks you through the whole process (using Adobe PhotoShop CS version 8.0). I would be glad to email this packet to anyone needing help making the READ CD’s work best in his/her Library (please send an email request to

If your Library cannot afford the expense of the READ CD packet, do not let that discourage you from taking digital pictures and using Adobe PhotoShop or Microsoft Publisher to create your own READ posters without the CD’s—get creative with WordArt and fonts, use the software tools you already have in your Library! All it takes to begin is a photo of a great person reading... Dazzle your patrons with your new LOOK and fabulous bookmarks and posters.

Good Luck and Happy Designing!

Hannah Nash
Miles City Public Library

PR Hint of the Week - March 1, 2004 - Library issues

PR Hint of the Week - March 1, 2004 - Library issues

This week's PR Hint of the Week focuses on information resources for several high-impact issues facing many libraries today: CIPA, intellectual freedom, and the economic impact of libraries in our communities. Hope you will find these resources useful!
Public libraries and the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA):
Legal Sources
Intellectual freedom legislation in the states
A study done by OCLC on how libraries stack up. Some great comparisons of libraries and their worth measured against other businesses. This is a neat snapshot of the economic impact of libraries.
On behalf of your hardworking MLA PR & Marketing Committee, Lisa
Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
JD, MSLIS Legislative Librarian


To these fine sources I'd like to suggest one more: This was developed to help guide Colorado libraries, but much is applicable to any library. One item that will soon be posted is a comparison test showing how different filters stack up, i.e. how much free filters over/underblock vs. fee-based services.
Eugene Hainer
Director, Library Development Services
Colorado State Library, CDE