Friday, August 28, 2009

PR Hint for August 2009--Back to school spelling lesson!

Hi Montana Librarians,

It's back to school time and therefore the perfect opportunity for a quick, but important, spelling lesson from your MLA PR & Marketing Committee.

In the midst of your busy day how can you take care of all the things you need to and still have gray matter left to find the time and energy for a public relations campaign? Why not spell your way to improved public relations?

Promote. Never pass up an opportunity to promote your library to anyone. No place is off-limits whether it’s in an elevator, store, or hallway. Always carry business cards with you. Remember that Montana Legislators (via posters) can help to promote your library too:

Undertake. Volunteer to serve on a committee in your organization - - United Way campaign, social action committee, etc. It will be a positive experience and an opportunity to tell others about your library.

Be creative. Hold a "Our Library Is So Cool Week" with events to showcase your library’s services, technology and collection. You can tailor programs and events to reach all your users.

Learn. Stay abreast of the current issues in our profession. Let your users know that you attend local and national continuing education programs.

Invigorate. Enliven your library with some tasteful seasonal decorations. Try suspending a few large sparkling snowflakes or golden fall leaves from a ceiling in one of the library rooms. It can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere to an otherwise austere room! You’ll be surprised how many people notice the addition and enjoy it.

Create. Create good will by hosting social events in the library. Some examples are juice and muffins in the morning, potluck lunches, and punch and cookies receptions. Use any holiday or season for a theme. The possibilities are endless!

Remind. Take every opportunity to remind library users of the services you offer. List them on eye-catching bookmarks, brochures, and your website.

Enthuse. Be enthusiastic about your profession, your library, and your accomplishments. It’s an exciting time to be an information professional. Let others know!

Listen. Ask for and listen to new ideas from library users and staff. Put a suggestion box in the library. Most people are pleased that you are interested in their ideas.

Aspire. Aim each year to try a new public relations idea and to improve on one already in place. Don’t become stagnant!

Try. Perhaps not all your public relations ideas will be equally successful, but don’t give up! Keep the ideas that work well and move on.

Inform. Keep users informed about what’s new in the library –new acquisitions, new technology, new staff, etc. Don’t let the library drop off their radar screen!

Open. Have an open house in the library to showcase your public relations efforts;
it could feature your new brochures, any new technology, the suggestion box, and décor.

Network. Never pass up an opportunity to network with colleagues and learn about their PR activities. Become active in your local library community. Consider joining the MLA PR Committee (hint hint).

Share. Share your PR materials and success with colleagues at various Montana statewide library meetings or workshops and at the annual MLA Conference.

There are many components in a good public relations plan. But there is only one place to start. Public relations begins with Y-O-U!

Don't forget to visit the MLA PR Hints Blog at for previous PR Hints. And remember to post your photos on the Montana libraries group for Flickr

MLA PR & Marketing Committee Chair
*This PR Hint was adopted from an article by Frances Bertelli, Head Law Librarian, Aetna Inc., AALL Spectrum, Volume 4 No. 7 April 2000.

Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
Legislative Attorney, MLIS